Our Governors

The Board consists of 12 governors and all have a strong link with our wider school community. Governors serve for a standard term of term of 4 years though co-opted governors, who are appointed by the Board, serve 2 year terms.
A Governing body performs three main functions they are:
The day to day management and running of the school is the responsibility of the Head teacher and school leadership team. It is the job of the leadership team to report to the governors so we can undertake our main functions identified above.
The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets every half term and Governors also undertake individual statutory governor roles as well as duties to specific areas of the curriculum and also meet regularly in committees or working parties that look more closely, with staff, at important areas of the school’s performance and development these include:
The legal terms of the governing body can be accessed here: Instrument of Government Feb 2015.
Contact via the school 01458 223329
Governor Name | Governor Type | Role(s) on Governing Board |
Jules Canterbury | Co-opted Governor |
Anna Risius | Parent Governor |
Alison Allen | Head Teacher |
Christopher Geary | Parent Governor | |
Andrew Crang | Co-opted Governor |
Rosie Dawson | Foundation Governor |
Giles Sedgman | Parent Governor |
Carol Fraser | Foundation Governor |
Charlie Hull | Local Authority Governor |
Joanne Nicholl | Co-opted Governor |
Charlton Mackrell School Strategic Plan - Published