School Meals

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) are eligible for a Free School Meal every day. This will be paid for by the Government and is worth £437 a year for every child. This is not based on household income or any benefits received.
Every child can have a free lunch, saving you time and money with your children having a hot lunch every day.
Older pupils have the opportunity to buy a hot lunch at £2.60 per day and Pre-school pupils at £2.30 per day. This can be arranged for whichever days of the week you wish and is paid in advance.
Lunches are ordered every half term via Parentmail.
You may however prefer to pack a lunch for your children. We encourage healthy eating so please do not pack a fizzy drink - water is always available. Chocolate biscuits (eg Club/Penguin) are acceptable, but not sweets or chocolates.
Free School Meals – if you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, you can apply online for Free School Meals here or, alternatively, ask the School Office for more information.