
We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at, Charlton Mackrell C of E Primary School.
We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access school and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, radicalisation, neglect and bullying.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The designated members of staff for safeguarding are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Alison Allen, Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Kim Headley & Jenna Marklew
Designated Safeguarding Governor: Joanne Nicholl
The aim of our Child Protection work is to safeguard and promote our children’s welfare, safety, health and guidance by fostering an honest, open caring and supportive climate. Their welfare is of paramount importance. Charlton Mackrell Church of England Primary School fully recognises the responsibility it has under the Education Act 2002 and the contribution it can make to protect children and support them in school. All staff involved with children (teaching and non-teaching) have a responsibility to be mindful of issues related to children’s safety and welfare and a duty to report and refer any concerns.
If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger please contact:
For more information, please go to:
For more information see the following documents: