Performance and Results SCHOOL RESULTS We are very proud of the achievements of our pupils in national assessments. Early Years Foundation Stage – 85% attained GLD (Good learning development) (11 out of 13 pupils) Year 1 Phonics - 83% attained the required standard (10 out of 12 pupils) (78% Nationally) Year 2 Assessments Reading – 85% at ARE (Age related expectations) (11 out of 13) with 23% at GD (Greater depth) (3 out of 13) (67% nationally meeting the standards) Writing – 77% at ARE (Age related expectations)(10 out of 13) with 23% at GD (Greater depth) (58% nationally meeting the standards) Maths – 77% at ARE (Age related expectations) (10 out of 13) with 23% at GD (Greater depth) (68% nationally meeting the standards) Year 6 Assessments Reading – 89% at ARE (Age related expectations) with 11% at GD (Greater depth) (73% nationally meeting the standards) Progress Year 2 to end of Year 6 in top 20% nationally Writing – % at ARE (Age related expectations) (8 out of 9) with 44% GD (Greater depth) (78% ARE, 20% GD nationally in 2022) Progress Year 2 to end of Year 6 was 4.5 (top 20% nationally) Maths – 100% ARE (Age related expectations) with 11% at GD (Greater depth) (73% nationally meeting the standards) Progress Year 2 to end of Year 6 was 0.8 (above average nationally) Year 6 pupils achieving ARE or above in all three subjects was 56%, GD 33% (64% nationally, GD 12%)