Church School

‘The one who gets wisdom loves life.’ Proverbs 19:8
All children are expected to love their neighbour as Jesus taught us. The children flourish in this loving, family environment.
We benefit from the full support of our village communities and our Parishes, namely Jenny and the Open the Book team who lead our worship at the beautiful St Mary’s Church, Charlton Mackrell every week. It is always a lovely sight to see the whole school walking happily, two by two, across the road to church on Tuesday mornings.
Worship takes place every day. We celebrate all of the Christian festivals here and our Leavers’ service at the end of the year is a particular highlight. Many people tell us that they can see just how loved the children are on these occasions and that Charlton Mackrell children are exceedingly lucky children!
We enjoyed a very successful visit from the Church School inspector, who recognised Charlton Mackrell as OUTSTANDING! This is an absolutely fantastic achievement…
‘The consistently high levels of attainment and progress are closely attributed to the inclusive Christian vision, ethos and values, which define and guide school improvement.’
‘Singing plays a crucial role in worship. The exceptional quality is uplifting and unifying; it demonstrates a shared outpouring of collective and individual spirituality.’
CM SIAMS Church School Report July 2024
Here is a prayer from one of our leavers, which sums up how they feel about our school…
Dear Father,
Thank you for all the time I have had at my school.
I have made so many memories over the last seven years and I hope I’ll make many more at my new school.
I am lost for words beacuse I can’t describe how I am feeling right now.
School is a bit like a second home and it feels strange to leave it all behind.
I pray my new school will be like Charlton Mackrell too, in time.
Our CHRISTIAN VALUES are central to all we think, do and say. They help us to grow together and make our school a happy place for learning.
We expect all people to love their neighbour as Jesus loves us. In this way, we can forgive each other and make a fresh start, knowing inner peace.
Respect is fundamental; our school would not be the unique and special place it is today without a drive that respect should be at the core of what we do. Our Christian ethos makes this a very strong value in our school. Respect is far reaching – respect of self, of others, of the environment and of our world are key to building and growing a harmonious learning community. From the words we choose to use to the care we take of the equipment which supports learning, from the resolve to be inclusive and challenging in the face of discrimination to the emphasis on responsibility, team work and belonging, we believe our focus on respect can contribute to a better world for our children in the future.
DEVELOPING SPIRITUALITY – see Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy
Communication is a vital skill. If children are to grow up, interact successfully and go on to lead happy, productive and successful lives, they must learn to communicate effectively. During their time at Charlton Mackrell, we teach children how to communicate orally, in writing, through use of their expression and body language and through the use of fast changing technology.
Creativity, in its very widest sense, is something we value greatly at Charlton Mackrell. We want children to understand process as well as outcomes. We want children to be innovative, confident and forward thinking, happy to calculate risk and push themselves to think outside the box and try things which are out of their own comfort zone. We aim to challenge children, make them think differently and encourage them to be resourceful learners with passion.
Self-belief is crucial if we, as humans, are to achieve our potential. We acknowledge that there are times when self-belief is weakened and we strive to embed a sense of self-worth, love of self and understanding of the very important part each and everyone of us plays in the lives of others. We challenge children to want to fulfil their potential and respond to their own next steps. so that they meet their personal best. Sometimes, children can surprise us with a talent or skill which they possess but don’t share openly. We want children to have confidence to share with others and to feel a sense of pride in their own achievements.
Schools have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. By promoting and teaching British values, we aim to ensure that our children and young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
Collective worship sessions are held each day; these are special times to gather together, pray, reflect, listen to stories from the Bible and think how we can live better lives. There is a strong focus on our Christian values, with a different theme either half termly or termly.
Collective worship varies over the week and is Christian in its character. A general overview of the week includes:
The whole school gathers together for singing worship. Miss Stringer, our choir teacher, shares a wealth of Christian songs and hymns to sing, praise and worship. Prayers are said to end our worship.
The whole school gathers together at our local church, St Mary’s. One of our Parish partners leads our worship. Each month, members of our community group, our ‘Open the Book’ team, share a Bible story which always involves the children in drama, storytelling and prayer. The worship will often focus on a particular theme or character from the Bible. Lively singing sessions always begin and end our visits and send us back to school with a spring in our step! Parents and carers are welcomed to these worship sessions.
Each class holds a collective worship session in their classroom, led by the class teacher and the children. This is a chance to have a much more intimate prayer and worship session where the theme of the term can be explored in more detail and children can ask and respond to scenarios and bigger questions.
The whole school gathers together for collective worship led by one of the classes or the headteacher. This worship continues our value theme; each half term or term has a different focus. Most weeks, there will be a discussion about the theme, a picture book, a story from the Bible, prayers and reflection. Children often lead or help with aspects of the worship and will share their thoughts, views and feelings.
The whole school gathers together for our Celebration Praise to give thanks for the week and find out all the amazing things which have been going on in the school. This is led by the Headteacher or Senior Teacher and provides a chance for us to recognise and celebrate those who have kept our rules and lived our values during the week.
To complement Collective Worship and other times during the school day, children are encouraged to be reflective and given opportunities to experience peace. Our peace garden is an area to be reflective and experience peace. We are also creating reflective areas throughout the school.
We have a collection of prayers which are said throughout the day; these very according to the age of the children and the time of day.
Glory to thee
My God this night
For all the blessings of the Light
Keep me, oh keep me
King of kings
Beneath your own almighty wings
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.
For what we are about to receive,
May the Lord make us truly thankful.
In Jesus Christ’s name.
Rainbow Class’ evening prayer
Standing still at the end of school
Soon I’ll be on my way,
But I’ll try and remember
What I’ve learned today.
Standing still at the end of school
Now it’s time to say:
‘thank you everyone for my work
And for my play.’
We all learn The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
They Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory.
For ever and ever,
Children grow in confidence to pray spontaneously. They know how to say a ‘teaspoon prayer’ for example – T= thank you, S = sorry and P = please. They learn that prayer can help them praise and ask too.
We have high expectations of behaviour for learning so that everyone is able to learn, play and work in the calmest atmosphere. We expect all children to respect everyone’s right to be able to learn in a peaceful, safe and purposeful environment. With this in mind, every member of our school family has a responsibility to contribute to the best learning environment possible.
Our rules, written by children and staff, are clearly known by all. There is a wide range of rewards for those who demonstrate these rules in daily school life as well as a set of clear sanctions when children forget that our rules help us to learn together effectively.
Our Rules
Our school rules were agreed together with staff and children and are instrumental in making our school a happier and safer place to learn and play. We use our school rules to talk to children about their behaviour. Children are praised for keeping our school rules and role models are recognised and rewarded. Children who break a school rule are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and consider the impact of their actions on others. Children are learning about the importance of forgiveness and being allowed to have a fresh start.
Roles and Reponsibilities
Each of us has an important part to play in making our school and community the best it can be.
Children are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities around our school from a very early age. As children grow in their understanding of community and citizenship, they may choose to take on key responsibilities. Some of these roles are nominated by and/or voted for by children and some responsibilities are awarded by staff who recognise those children who are role models in our school community. They wear their badges with pride to show we have responsibilities to look after our school family:
School Council Members, Play Leaders, Truly Trusted Pupils, Buddies, Collective Worship Monitors and Rainbow ‘warriors’ who all have numerous responsibilities.
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England.
SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school. It does so by seeking to answer six Inspection Questions (IQs).
IQ1: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision enable pupils and adults to flourish?
IQ2: How does the curriculum reflect the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision?
IQ3: How is collective worship enabling pupils and adults to flourish spiritually?
IQ4: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision create a culture in which pupils and adults are treated well?
IQ5: How does the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision create an active culture of justice and responsibility?
IQ6: Is the religious education curriculum effective (with reference to the expectations set out in the Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education)?
SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school’s Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. Church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles appropriate to, and reflective of, their particular context in order to be distinctively and effectively Christian in their character and ethos. SIAMS inspectors therefore do not look for a set template of what a Church school should be like, but rather take the particular context of the school into account and base their evaluation on the outcomes rather than the process.
Inspectors make one of two judgements:
The inspection findings indicate that the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school, and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish.
The inspection findings indicate that the school has strengths, but that there are also issues that leaders need to address as a matter of priority.