

HOME LEARNING - Please use Google Classroom or for those who would prefer we can send hard copies in the post.  Any questions please contact the school office.  School.office@cmps.uk

Wildfire Class 

Years 4 and 5

Class teacher: Mrs Allen & Miss Hannah Murray

TA: Mrs Julie Barnard & Miss Georgia Farthing

​PE Days are Mondays  and Wednesdays.

​Swimming: 10 weeks during the academic year - Tuesdays in the Spring Term.

Wildfire Welcome Letter

Wildfire MTP Spring 2025
RE Knowledge Organiser - When Jesus left what was the impact of Pentacost?

Our Curriculum page shows the full sequential plans.

We encourage diversity and inclusion in all aspects of school life.  Here is our diversity and inclusion book list which the class teacher selects books from, to read aloud to the children: Diversity Book List for Wildfire Class.docx

Also take a look at some of their recent writing below:

Persuasive leaflet

Persuasive leaflet

Persuasive School leaflet

Year 4 Persuasive Leaflet following school trip

Year 5 Persuasive Leaflet following school trip